The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

ROLAND TURLEY SYNOPSIS OF MY CAREER Discharged from Army January 1952 1. Began Penn State at Behrend Center Feb. 1952. 2. Started teaching at Williamsport Tech. Inst. Sept. 1955 3. Continued at Penn State: B.S. 1959; MEd. 1966 Held positions as Director of Voc/Tech Educ. at: a. Bradford Area School Dist b. Erie County Tech. School c. Clearfield County AVTS [took early retirement 1982] 4. Asst. Dean of Industrial Educ. Chattanooga State Tech. Inst. for one year. 5. Taught in a private tech. school 2 yrs. 6. Enrolled at Temple Univ. and worked on doctorate 7. Accepted position in Pa. Dept. of Educ. 8. Retired from PDE 1992. Currently living close to Clearfield, PA.